dimecres, de març 01, 2006

Midwest love affair; I bend when I am bored.
Late night liquor blue,
Will lead me to the floor.
Can "we" fake it?
Can "we" make believe?
I'm so full of love,
It deeply sickens me.

But all I could do was close my eyes,
And cross my arms and hope to die.
'Cause "you" don't fucking listen,
When I'm around.
The least "you" could do is take it back;
All the vicious remarks and verbal attacks.
'Cause I can't fucking stand it.
When "you're" around.

Midwest aftermath: the rumors start to rise.
Did I truly do the things that "you've" described?
They must hate me, every single one.
It just sickens them, what I consider fun.

But all I could do was close my eyes,
And cross my arms and hope to die.
'Cause "you" don't fucking listen,
When I'm around.
The least "you" could do is take it back;
All the vicious remarks and verbal attacks.
'Cause I can't fucking stand it.
When "you're" around.

But all I could do was close my eyes,
And cross my arms and hope to die.
'Cause "you" don't fucking listen,
When I'm around.
The least "you" could do is take it back;
All the vicious remarks and verbal attacks.
'Cause I can't fucking stand it.
When "you're" around.

No I can't fucking stand it, when "you're" around.
No I can't fucking stand it, when "you're" around.

3 comentaris:

A la/es 6:00 p. m. , Blogger OLGA! ha dit...

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A la/es 5:29 p. m. , Anonymous Anònim ha dit...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

A la/es 12:38 a. m. , Anonymous Anònim ha dit...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.


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