Faint - Linkin Park
I am
A little bit of loneliness
A little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints
But I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am
What I want you to want
What I want you to feel
But it's like no matter what I do
I can't convince you
To just believe this is real
So I
Let go watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here cause
You are all that I've got
I can't feel
the way I did before
Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored
Time won't take
this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
I am
A little bit insecure
A little unconfident
'Cause you don't understand
I do what I can
But sometimes I don't make sense
I am
What you never want to say
But I've never had a doubt
But it's like no matter what I do
I can't convince you
For once just to hear me out
So I
Let go Watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here cause you're all that I got
I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't take
this damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me
Like it or not
Right now
Hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me
Like it or not
Right now
I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored!
I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't take
This damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
I can't feel
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't take
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored...
*I am what you never want to say, but I've never had a doubt, it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you for once just to hear me out
Don't turn your back on me...
face away and pretend that I'm not but i'll be here cuz you're all that I've got...*
6 comentaris:
no vull k estiguis trist. prefereixo tenir-la jo la careta de so sad...
em sento culpable per haver-te dit allò ahir..potser era millor viure en la ignorància, enkara k no t'agradi :P.
pro escoltaré la cançó, aveure si així et puc entendre una mika millor :S =)
=) so happy!
=) be happy!
=) everbody!be happy!
=) smile! live!
t'ho dic de debó, de debó de debó de debó!!!
jajaja peace and love don't worry be happy =)=)=)=)=)
és millor saber el que m'imaginava que no tenir sempre el dubte de si realment no entenc res d res...
I potser tenies raó quan escrivies que el dolor fa tornar cec...
perquè si és així estic més cec que mai
Cec i sord, i mut, a vegades.
Crecque el dolor et fa sentir viu, molt, quan et surt directament del cor...
La pena fa les lletres més afilades i fluides; aprofita, jo sempre aprofito.
estic indignadissim, no escrius res de nou!!!!!
té raó mr.anonim! no escrius res!!
això no pot continuar així. xD
=) smile
=) so happy
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