dimarts, de març 14, 2006

No clue

Feel the void around
see that every step I take,
it's just the biggest mistake I've made,
but I always superate myself.

And she's in the room besides, crying,
and my heart is broken, just dying,
but I'm not gonna wake up anymore,
because I've get so numb, so indifferent,
I'm not gonna wake up anymore,
tired of doing everything to get no clue
of what to do.

Feel that's wrong it all,
see that every step I take
brings more cries and pain,
and I can always supperate myself.

And she's standing on the door, shouting,
and I'm sitting here, just dying,
I'm not gonnamove anymore,
because it's so useless, I'm so faithless,
I'm not gonna wake up anymore,
tired of doing everything and get no clue
of what to do,
of what to do,
no clue,
of what to do,
with you.

2 comentaris:

A la/es 10:50 p. m. , Blogger OLGA! ha dit...

ja mai escrius res...ni tan sovint..estem perdent costums eh??

A la/es 8:00 p. m. , Anonymous Anònim ha dit...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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