dijous, de juny 08, 2006

Tourniquet - Evanescence

Una de les cançons més dures que conec, i cantada amb una passió per l'Amy Lee que em fa posar la pell de gallina, sobretot en directe.

I tried to kill the pain
but only brought more (so much more)
I lay dying
and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal,
I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming,
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

Mi God, my tourniquet,
return me to salvation
my God, my tourniquet,
return me to salvation...

Do you remember me?
Lost for so long
Will you be on the other side?
Or will you forget me?
I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming
am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

My God, my tourniquet,...

Return me to salvation...

I want to die!!

My God, my tourniquet...

My wounds cry for the grave
my soul cries for deliverance,
will I be denied, Christ? (christ)
my suicide!

1 comentaris:

A la/es 3:27 p. m. , Anonymous Anònim ha dit...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.


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